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Political Consulting Only for Progressive
Candidates Throughout the Country.  

Providing political consulting services ranging from candidate practice interviews, trainings, campaign security or SMS messaging. The Premium Package includes Andrew's strongest assets which are:  developing the message, reaching voters, and growing the volunteer team.  The end result is higher fundraising totals and a more effective field campaign.


Developing a message that is clear, concise, convincing, contrastive and compelling to your target audiences.  This includes website content, palm cards, social media content, and print materials.


Reaching your target audiences using a diversified portfolio of messaging tactics. This includes earned media, social media, name recognition and branding, signs, stickers, buttons, bumpers stickers, creative tactics, and video production.


Organizing and growing the volunteer team.  Too many campaigns for elective office have too few doing too much. 


Developing a powerful campaign message will help in recruiting volunteers. But keeping them involved and growing your campaign army is often not prioritized enough.  


While direct voter contact door to door or by phone should be prioritized, Andrew’s approach believes every potential volunteer should never be turned away.  Moreover, he emphasizes "constant recruitment" at every opportunity and in any facet of the campaign.

Business Meeting

Other Services

Strategic Planning:

If your organization is struggling with fundraising, internal operations and communication, volunteer mismanagement, or diminished press coverage, Andrew can consult in collaboration with key players to develop a strategic plan with measurable objectives within a timeline.

Organizational Development

Practices, systems, and techniques that result in change within an organization can often be challenging.  Andrew emphasizes the following in his approach: volunteer morale, internal communication, feedback loops, clearer roles and responsibilities, best practices, database management, and research.

Mission ~

To provide you with unique and productive consulting by identifying your goals, clarifying your challenges, and addressing the problems.

Vision ~

To maximize my minutia of knowledge, communication skills, perception, intuition and spirit to bring fulfillment and productivity to people and organizations.

Value ~

To be honest in my opinions and analysis, loyal with total confidentiality in my service, trustworthy with the assurance of privacy, and respectful in the sharing of feelings and perspective in a safe manner, with the expectation of substantive results based on a mutual agreement of compensation.

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